Now that we have our React app configured with Sentry, let’s go ahead and start sending it some errors.

So far we’ve been using the onError method in src/libs/error-lib.js to handle errors. Recall that it doesn’t do a whole lot outside of alerting the error.

export function onError(error) {
  let message = error.toString();

  // Auth errors
  if (!(error instanceof Error) && error.message) {
    message = error.message;


For most errors we simply alert the error message. But Amplify’s Auth package doesn’t throw Error objects, it throws objects with a couple of properties, including the message. So we alert that instead.

For API errors we want to report both the error and the API endpoint that caused the error. On the other hand, for Auth errors we need to create an Error object because Sentry needs actual errors sent to it.

Replace the onError method in src/libs/error-lib.js with the following:

export function onError(error) {
  let errorInfo = {};
  let message = error.toString();

  // Auth errors
  if (!(error instanceof Error) && error.message) {
    errorInfo = error;
    message = error.message;
    error = new Error(message);
    // API errors
  } else if (error.config && error.config.url) {
    errorInfo.url = error.config.url;

  logError(error, errorInfo);


You’ll notice that in the case of an Auth error we create an Error object and add the object that we get as the errorInfo. For API errors, Amplify uses Axios. This has a config object that contains the API endpoint that generated the error.

We report this to Sentry by calling logError(error, errorInfo) that we added in the previous chapter. And just as before we simply alert the message to the user. It would be a good idea to further customize what you show the user. But we’ll leave this as an exercise for you.

This handles all the expected errors in our React app. However, there are a lot of other things that can go wrong while rendering our app. To handle them we are going to setup a React Error Boundary in the next chapter.